Stumbling Into Making Saw Dust

Growing up with your Dad being a woodworker gives some great perks. The obvious is that you inherit a lot of those skills are taught even more. Woodworking also teaches patience and creates an incredible attention to detail. I spent a lot of my younger years observing and learning from him, carefully taking in as much as possible. Woodworking wasn’t my chosen career path though. Fast forward a few years and I graduated from Millersville University of Pennsylvania with a degree in Music Business Technology. From there I got hired by Clair Global to work as a Touring Audio Tech. I flew out my first tour within a couple days of graduating college, the Ariana Grande Sweetener World Tour. All was great, I loved my job and even got a promotion during the tour. We finished in December 2019 and all was looking well for my future…

Me on Mt. Titlis, Switzerland during the European leg of the Sweetener World Tour.

Me on Mt. Titlis, Switzerland during the European leg of the Sweetener World Tour.

2020 started perfectly normal, even had a couple tours lined up and was just waiting to fly out to start my work again. Then a global pandemic happened, and my line of work that consists of traveling and massive crowds of people almost every night isn’t what you would call pandemic friendly. So I became trapped at home. During this time I decided to get deeper into my hobbies, as I had a LOT more free time to focus on them. As woodworking was always in my back pocket, I decided to invest my time into that. Now at this point in my life I had been making things for a while and sold the odd thing here and there. This time made me realize how unstable things can be, no matter how solid you think they are. I always planned for woodworking to be a side hustle, but this made me realize maybe I should hone in my skills and make something really nice out of it. With that, Black Sound & Fine Woodworking was born.

All of that said, thank you for checking out my website. If you like what I do, let me know! I specialize in custom built furniture as well as speakers (everything from small bluetooth speakers to a total home theater install). If you have an idea, I can make it happen!